Whole Milk On Keto Diet: What You Need to Know

Trying to maintain a diet can be tough. You have to follow specific guidelines and rules that will restrict what foods and drinks you can consume. One of the most popular diets is the keto diet, which is short for the ketogenic diet. 

If you are trying to obey these dietary guidelines, you may be confused as to what foods you can and can’t eat.

Whole Milk On Keto Diet: What You Need to Know

If so, here is everything you need to know about the keto diet, including whether or not you can drink whole milk.

The Keto Diet: What is it?

The ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet, is a medicinal method of treating sufferers of epilepsy, specifically among children. However, other people can also stick to this diet thanks to its numerous health benefits.

 To follow this diet, one must consume little protein. Instead, large quantities of fat and fairly standard levels of protein are eaten.

Because of these specifications, the keto diet shares similarities with other low-carbohydrate eating plans, such as the Atkins diet. 

The idea behind this diet is to lessen the number of carbohydrates consumed. Instead, fat will be burned by the human body.

This causes the body to undergo ketosis, hence the name “keto diet.” This enables your body to burn fat more successfully than before.  

Whole Milk: What is it?

Whole milk is a form of cow’s milk. It is called whole milk because, unlike other types of milk, it has not had the fat content removed. Consequently, it is much higher in fat than skimmed or semi-skimmed milk.

Aside from fat, whole milk is also an excellent source of potassium, calcium, and protein. It also contains some vitamins, such as vitamin D. 

Can You Drink Whole Milk as Part of the Keto Diet?

Yes, you can technically drink whole milk when you are sticking to the keto diet. As mentioned, it is higher in fat, which is beneficial to the keto diet. Moreover, it has high quantities of protein which is useful for this diet. 

On the other hand, whole milk is not the most optimal option. This is because it is high in carbohydrates. Since the keto diet is low in carbohydrates, this is not useful.

In fact, if you have a serving of whole milk, it will account for at least half of your daily carbohydrate intake for a day.

This will mean that you can’t eat that many carbohydrates for the rest of the day, resulting in it being problematic to plan meals.

Furthermore, whole milk also has a high GI rating. Standing for glycaemic index, GI is a system used to measure foods with carbohydrates.

The rating refers to the impact of these foods on a person’s blood sugar level. The GI rating of whole milk tends to be between 30 and 40. Though this is not extremely high, this GI rating can adversely affect your ketosis. 

As a result, though you can have some whole milk in your keto diet, it is not recommended that you drink it. This is particularly true if you are strictly following a keto scheme.

You might find it hard to plan meals if you focus a large amount of your carbohydrate intake. If you enjoy milk but still want to stick to a keto diet, you should only have small portions of it.

For example, a teaspoon of milk in your coffee is perfectly acceptable.

What are the Advantages of the Keto Diet?

As mentioned, one of the main uses of this diet is to treat childhood epilepsy. If you suffer from epilepsy, this diet can drastically reduce seizures.

Though it can help epilepsy sufferers of any age, research has shown that it is particularly useful for children. The reason for this is that the amount of ketone bodies found in a person’s blood is increased. 

Aside from this primary effect, there are some other potential health benefits to the keto diet. Among them are: 

  • It can aid weight loss.
  • It could lessen the risk of developing some cancers.
  • It can positively affect heart health, such as by preventing heart disease and maintaining blood pressure.
  • It might protect brain functions, preventing illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  • There is some evidence that a keto diet can prevent and reduce acne. 

As you can see, it is worth pursuing this diet because of the health advantages that it can have. 

That is not to say that this is the perfect diet model. There are several side effects to following the keto diet, such as increased cholesterol, kidney stones, and constipation.

Some of these symptoms are part of a wider side effect known as keto flu. If you decide to undergo the keto diet, you should bear in mind that you could experience these symptoms. 

What are the Advantages of Whole Milk?

Whole Milk On Keto Diet: What You Need to Know

As previously discussed, whole milk can be high in lots of nutrients. However, because of its high-fat content, whole milk should not be consumed regularly in large quantities.

Instead, you should opt for semi-skimmed or skimmed milk. As long as you only drink whole milk occasionally, it can have lots of benefits for your health. 

Here are the qualities that it is rich in and the effect it can have on your health:

  • Fat: while you should avoid having a diet that is too high in fat, having it in small quantities can provide you with energy. Fat can also be beneficial for the absorption of nutrients. 
  • Potassium: if you want to lower your blood pressure, then potassium is key. It also helps to regulate several key bodily functions. Moreover, potassium can also stop you from developing kidney stones.
  • Protein: protein is renowned for allowing people to build muscle mass. It also aids with recoveries/. Therefore, if you have injured yourself, you should try to get plenty of protein in your diet. 
  • Calcium: this is a great mineral for bones and teeth, allowing them to be strong and healthy. Calcium performs other functions, such as defending your body from cancer and high blood pressure. 
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: these acids can prevent high blood pressure and heart disease. 
  • Phosphorous: like calcium, phosphorus can be beneficial for teeth and bones. If your body has damaged tissue, this mineral will allow them to recover. 
  • Vitamin B12: this vitamin contributes to the production of DNA. It also allows your nerve cells to be healthy. 
  • Vitamin D: connected to calcium, vitamin D will ensure that your teeth and bones are strong. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What About Other Types of Milk?

Other types of cow’s milk, such as semi-skimmed milk, will have the same issue as the whole variety. They are rich in carbohydrates, thus limiting your diet.

However, you can try some cow milk alternatives that are better suited to the keto diet. These include soy milk, coconut milk, and unsweetened almond milk.

This means that you can still enjoy milk in your hot drink or cereal when maintaining a keto diet. 

Can I Eat Cheese on a Keto Diet?

Yes, cheese is a fantastic food to eat when on keto. It has a high fat and protein content, which are essential for this diet. It also does not contain many carbs, so you won’t have to worry about this being an issue.

You should bear in mind that different types of cheese have different nutritional values, so be sure to check them out before eating a cheese.

Final Thoughts

When using a specific diet, you might struggle to keep on top of which foods you can and can’t eat. As this example demonstrates, there are some foods and drinks that you can technically still consume, but they may not be the best options for you.

Whole milk is not the best option for those on keto diets, but thankfully there are plenty of other drinks that you can try, including different milk varieties.

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