6 Nutty And Delicious Hempseed Substitutes To Try Today

While hemp seeds may be considered a relatively small addition to a recipe or meal, they add so much extra flavor and texture that you really can’t go wrong with using them, and part of the reason they are so popular among food fanatics is because of the sheer amount of different ways you can incorporate them into a diet. 

6 Nutty And Delicious Hempseed Substitutes To Try Today

Whether it’s sprinkling a few seeds over a salad, mixing them in with a bowl of cereal, or even using them as part of a nutty cake, hempseeds are a welcome addition to almost any dish, so after using them for a little while, it can be quite the alarming sight when you see that you’ve got none left in the packet. 

The good news is that there are plenty of substitutes that replicate the pleasantly nutty and refreshing taste of this nutritious ingredient, so let’s take a look at 6 of these right now that you should definitely consider trying for yourself. 

1) Pumpkin Seeds

As soon as you take a bite of pumpkin seeds, you’ll immediately notice the savory, nutty, and almost earthy taste that they give off, making them incredibly similar in their flavor to hempseeds, meaning you don’t have to only use them when Halloween rolls around. 

They’re a little crunchier than hempseeds, making them ideal for small cakes and crackers, but they are also packed full of fiber, protein, and plenty of healthy fats.

Pumpkin seeds also contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which has been shown to improve heart health and prevent cardiovascular disease, alongside helping to regulate blood sugar balance in the body, making them a fantastic alternative, especially when you consider how easily you can get your hands on them. 

2) Desiccated Coconut

If you’ve never had the pleasure of trying desiccated coconut before, it is coconut flesh that has a very prominent taste, being very sweet along with giving off a very nutty sensation, both in flavor and texture. 

You won’t get as much of that familiar crunchiness that comes with hempseeds, which can make it the perfect substitute if you’re thinking of making smaller and softer bitesize snacks such as macrons, brownies, or even pancakes if you want a light and refreshing breakfast option packed full of flavor. 

In fact, many people will even use desiccated coconuts as part of a curry dish by stirring it over medium heat until it turns golden brown, which gives you an idea of how versatile this delightful and very underrated ingredient really is. 

3) Almond Flour

Anyone who has ever looked up a baking recipe will, at one point or another, have seen almond flour pop up, and there are plenty of good reasons why this ingredient has become so beloved, including the fact that it is readily available in virtually every food or grocery store, so you won’t need to order it online and wait a few days just to get your hands on it. 

You’re still going to be getting the mild and slightly sweet nutty flavor that is provided by hempseeds, and while you will lose a good amount of protein, almond flour still contains a lot of antioxidants and is very rich in vitamin E which helps to reduce the risk of many health conditions including diabetes and cancer. 

4) Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can be eaten raw, or you can soak them in water to create a gel which can then be applied to so many different meals and used as a delicious and nutritious topping.

Additionally, you can also use this gel as a filling as part of a cake or really any baked goods. 

A huge reason many people will often choose to use chia seeds when preparing a meal is because of just how rich they are in healthy nutrients, containing omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, antioxidants, and so much more, so you can guarantee that they’ll give you that much-needed boost in the morning or while on a break. 

They are actually incredibly similar to hempseeds in both their taste and texture, but chia seeds are slightly lower in calories while being higher in carbs, so while there are some very small differences, they still work as a very nutritious, crunchy, and tasty substitute for when you’ve ran out of hempseeds. 

5) Quinoa

If you enjoy using hempseeds for savory dishes such as salads or small meaty recipes, then quinoa is the best go-to substitute option that you can either make in a few minutes at home or if you want to save yourself some time, you can simply buy it in pre-prepared packets. 

Because of the slight difference in texture and appearance, quinoa isn’t usually used as a topping the same way that hempseeds often are, though with that being said, it works just as well as an extra ingredient that mixes effortlessly with smaller meals or even in some baked foods such as cookies. 

Just like hempseeds, quinoa is also considered a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids while also being a rich source of vegan protein. 

When you’re whipping up a stir fry, creating a warm and delightful soup, or even just mixing together some rice, if you want to add in a healthy dose of nuttiness but have no hempseeds left, quinoa is the next best thing. 

6) Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are a great topping that you can use on essentially all the same snacks and meals that you would normally cover in hempseeds, from cereal and oatmeal, all the way to salads, they’re a tasty way to finish off any recipe, and the best part is they are just as nutty and chewy as hempseeds are. 

You can expect flaxseeds to contain many of the same nutrients as hempseeds including fiber, protein, and omega-3 acids, however, flaxseeds do lack the lysine amino acid, which means that it is not considered a complete protein, unlike hempseeds. 

It should also be noted that flaxseeds tend to taste slightly sweeter than hempseeds, so if you’re someone with a sweet tooth, or if you’re preparing a meal for someone who can’t get enough of sweet baked treats or snacks, they are a must-use ingredient. 


There’s no denying that hempseeds are going through somewhat of a resurgence in popularity at the moment, but the truth is there are plenty of other foods that you can switch this nutty ingredient out for which are just as delicious, and still incredibly healthy. 

Make sure to choose an alternative that suits the food you like to prepare using hempseeds, whether it’s baked goods like brownies and cakes, or something a little more savory like a meat-filled salad, you can guarantee there will be a similar ingredient that will work just as well when you come to use it. 

6 Nutty And Delicious Hempseed Substitutes To Try Today

Recipe by AubreyCourse: Substitutes


Prep time


Cooking time





If you’ve been enjoying the nutty and sweet flavor of hempseeds but have run out of your packet, the good news is there are plenty of delicious substitutes!


  • Pumpkin Seeds

  • Desiccated Coconut

  • Almond Flour

  • Chia Seeds

  • Quinoa

  • Flaxseeds


  • Decide on what substitute you need
  • Pick a substitute from the list above
  • Read what you need to substitute with
  • Create the recipe and enjoy
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