7 Tasty Anaheim Peppers Substitutes

Anaheim peppers have a low to medium heat level, and they are seen as a type of chili pepper. They have long, lean bodies and skin that is shiny and silky.

When young, Anaheim peppers are often green, but as they get older, they turn red or orange.

Salsas and sauces made with Anaheim peppers are frequently used in Southwestern and Mexican cuisine.

Due to being one of the most popular chili peppers, Anaheim peppers can sell out quickly. Thankfully, there are several chili peppers that can be used in place of Anaheim peppers.

There are varieties of peppers that don’t contain as much spice, which is ideal if you don’t enjoy spicy food.

In this article, we will cover the 7 greatest alternatives to Anaheim peppers that may be used in different recipes.

Tasty Anaheim Peppers Substitutes

What Is Anaheim Pepper?

The southwestern region of the United States is home to the chili pepper variety known as the Anaheim pepper. It was first grown in the Californian city of Anaheim, hence its name.

The New Mexico chili, which is a subspecies of the well-known jalapeño pepper, is the source of the Anaheim pepper.

Anaheim peppers typically have a lower Scoville heat rating than other chili peppers, ranging from 500 to 1,000.

These papers may be fairly spicy, thus it is important to get rid of the seeds and ribs before cooking with them.

Normally, Anaheim peppers that have turned red and are around 6 inches long are usually harvested.

At this point, they are frequently utilized in foods like salsa and enchiladas. Moreover, Anaheim pepper can be dried or pickled to be used as a spice.

When buying fresh Anaheim peppers, aim for ones with smooth skin and a brilliant green color. Steer clear of peppers with flaws or that are wrinkled, as they won’t have a pleasant flavor.

While fresh Anaheim peppers are more common and sought after, there are frozen and canned versions. All of these are available at most grocery stores and online.

7 Anaheim Pepper Substitutes

If you happen to struggle to find any Anaheim peppers for your recipe, then there is no need to worry. There are lots of tasty substitutes to try that will work just as well as your Anaheim peppers.

1. Jalapeño Peppers

Chili peppers of the jalapeño variety are frequently used in Mexican cuisine. Usually, they are green while they are young, and crimson when they are old.

Depending on the pepper, jalapeños have a spicy flavor that can be mild or extremely hot. They are frequently diced or sliced when being used in recipes and incorporated into sauces, stews, or salsas.

You can consume jalapeño peppers roasted, pickled, or raw as well. Some forms of folk medicine have jalapeños as a main component as well.

Native to Mexico, jalapeño peppers were initially brought to America in the late 19th century. They are currently grown commercially over the globe, including in Spain, Mexico, India, and the United States.

2. Bell Peppers

One variety of capsicum pepper is the bell pepper. They come in a variety of hues, such as red, green, orange, yellow, and purple. These peppers are crunchy, and have a mild sweetness.

Vitamins A and C are abundant in bell peppers. They are suitable for use as a decoration or in salads. In addition to being consumed raw or cooked. Moreover, bell peppers are utilized in a variety of cuisines, including Mexican, Italian, and Chinese.

Bell peppers are typically harvested in the United States from late summer through early October. Nonetheless, the majority of supermarkets stock them all year long.

3. Hungarian Wax Peppers

A variety of chili pepper that is frequently used in pickling is the Hungarian wax pepper. The peppers have a medium level of heat and can be yellow, orange, or red in appearance.

The thick walls of Hungarian wax peppers are another characteristic that makes them excellent for stuffing.

However, Hungarian wax peppers can also be used to make pickles, as well as soups, stews, and salsa. You may also grill them or eat them raw.

Pick Hungarian wax peppers that are vibrantly colored and spotless when making your selection.

Steer clear of peppers that are wrinkly or soft. Although, you can store Hungarian wax peppers in your refrigerator for up to two weeks, to make them last longer.

4. Shishito Peppers

At only 50–200 on the Scoville Heat Units, shishito peppers are among the mildest peppers available.

They are a good substitute for Anaheim peppers if you only want a tiny bit of heat. They can survive grilling because of the thickness of their skin.

Shishito Peppers can also be used in a recipe in replacement of stuffed Anaheim peppers. They cannot, however, contain quite as much filling as an Anaheim pepper due to their small size.

However, apart from that they have amazing flavor, which you can enjoy if you don’t want too much heat either. They are also quite easy to grow as well if you wish to have a supply on hand.

5. Poblano Peppers

Poblano peppers are a type of chili pepper that were first produced in the Mexican state of Puebla. They usually have a low to moderate heat level and are big and deep green in color.

They become chipotles when they are dried and smoked. Mexican food frequently uses poblano peppers, both fresh or roasted.

They can be used as a seasoning in sauces and soups, or stuffed with meats or cheeses.

Poblanos are a well-liked component in the dish Chile Rellenos, which consists of fried peppers packed with cheese.

Overall, poblano peppers give every dish a delightful touch of heat, whether they are fresh or roasted.

6. Hatch Chili Peppers

A particular variety of chili pepper known as a “Hatch chili pepper” is normally cultivated in the Hatch Valley in New Mexico.

The city of Hatch, which is situated in the center of the chili pepper region, is the source of their name.

These peppers usually have a long, lean shape and a vivid green or red color. They can be mild to quite hot in heat, depending on the variety. Hatch chili peppers can be used to make salsa or chili powder.

In addition to being a common ingredient in Southwestern and Mexican cuisine.

Hatch chili peppers are an excellent choice if you’re seeking a chili pepper with a distinctive flavor and lots of heat.

7. Guajillo Peppers

Anaheim peppers are not as hot as guajillo peppers. Yet if you desire a change in flavor, they work as acceptable substitutes. This is due to the fact that guajillo peppers have a distinct flavor when they are dried.

The SHU range for guajillos is between 2,500 and 5,000. These make splendid replacements because they are only slightly hotter than Anaheim peppers.

As a result, they are the ideal substitute if you still want the heat of Anaheim peppers but a slightly different flavor profile.

Final Thoughts

Anaheim peppers are a great component of a range of dishes, including Mexican and southwestern cuisine.

The heat and flavor that these peppers bring to recipes is what makes them so loved. While they are quite easy to get a hold of, you may sometimes find yourself with a shortage or wish for a non-spicy alternative.

We have provided 7 tasty substitutes to consider when you next want to create a dish that calls for Anaheim peppers, but you don’t have any on hand. Consider trying bell peppers, hatch chili peppers and poblano peppers!

7 Tasty Anaheim Peppers Substitutes

Recipe by AubreyCourse: Substitutes


Prep time


Cooking time






  • Jalapeño Peppers

  • Bell Peppers

  • Hungarian Wax Peppers

  • Shishito Peppers

  • Poblano Peppers

  • Hatch Chili Peppers

  • Guajillo Peppers


  • Decide on what substitute you need
  • Pick a substitute from the list above
  • Read what you need to substitute with
  • Create the recipe and enjoy
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